
This is the Method part for SJTU WDP


  1. Simulation of coronavirus outbreak: SEIR model (sample code + pic)

    • The population can be divided into four compartments:
      • Susceptible (those who can catch the disease)
      • Exposed (those who are exposed to the disease but don’t have symptoms yet)
      • Infected (those who show symptoms and are infective)
      • Recovered (those who have recovered and become immune).
    • The model takes into account following factors, which is reflected in initially set parameters.
      • the transition rate between Susceptible and Exposed
      • the transition rate between Infected and Recovered
      • an incubation period, during which those who are exposed are not infective
      • outbreak starts from an initial 10 infected cases
      • the pattern of movement between zones within the region in a typical day
    • The relationship between Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered is reflected in differential equations.
      $Susceptible \rightarrow Exposed \rightarrow Infected \rightarrow Recovered$
      • $dS \over dT$
      • eq2
      • eq3
      • eq4
  2. Evaluate whether supply and demand meets

    • Draw the curve of infected cases with in the region. The seriousness is defined as the peak value divided by the time of reaching the peak.
      • pic1
  3. Decide the location of the fifth clinic based on current simulation
    • Use a mathematical formula to determine the effectiveness of a new location. The lower the value is, the better the location will be.
      • $Effectiveness=\sum_{i=0}^n w_0((x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2)$
    • Divide the map into grid and calculate the effectiveness for each cell
    • Display the effectiveness in the form of heatmap, which will indicate the optimal location

Beijie Liu

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