Intro to OS

Notes for EECS482.

Process, Thread


  • A process contains the state for a program to run.
  • Process has its own virtual memory, CPU, open files.
  • Process and Program: when a program runs, it becomes a process
  • A process has memory (code, data, executing stack), Program Counter (PC),
    some registers, some OS resources (open files, network connections)


  • Thread defines a sequence of execution stream.
  • Thread has it own PC, SP, Registers


  • A thread is bound to a process.
  • A process can have many threads.
    • Sometimes interact, sometimes work independently

Per-thread State

  • Each thread has its own PC, SP,
  • The Data Segment (Heap + Static variables) is shared


  • Atomic actions are the unit of interleaving.
  • Controlling how events from different threads can interleave is called synchronization.
  • Mutual exclusion
  • Critical section
    • Mutual exclusion: Safe
    • Progress: Liveness
    • Bounded waiting: Liveness
    • Performance
  • Busy waiting: consumes CPU while waiting.
  • Lock (Mutex)
    • Lock: acquire the lock atomically. Or blocked and consume no CPU.
    • Unlock: release the lock.


  • Safe State: respect the invariant.
    • For the list, each node appears once, and the last node points to null.
  • Fine-grained Locking
    • One lock per node.
    • Hand-over-hand Locking.
  • Ordering constraints.
    • Wait (atomic)
      • Release
      • add to the waiting list
      • go to sleep
    • Wake using signal (wake up one waiting thread), boardcast (wake up all).
    • Always wait in a while loop!


  • A monitor = a lock + CV
  • Mesa / Hoare Monitor (less popular).
  • Use one CV for each before-after condition.
  • Better signal() before unlock().
  • Producer and Consumer (bounded buffer).
    • Coke Machine with monitors
      • Shared state: numCokes <- cokeLock
      • Before-After CV: waitingConsumers waitingProducers
  • Signal vs. Boardcast
    • Use signal when both are true:
      • Only one waiting thread makes progress.
      • Any waiting thread can be that thread.


  • Main Functions
    • down(): wait for semaphore value to become positive, then decrement semaphore value by 1.
    • up() increment semaphore value by 1.
  • Binary Semaphores
    • Semaphore value is 0 or 1.
    • up() atomically sets value to 1.
  • Must not hold “lock” (semaphore) when calling down() for ordering.

Build a thread

so far is about the concurrency

  • non-running thread
    • a paused execution
    • context switch
  • Thread control Block
    • In memory
    • meaningful only when the thread is not running
  • States about a thread
    • New, Running, Blocked, Terminated, Ready
    • State Queues
  • Thread return control to CPU
    • Internal events,External events
  • Interrupt Vector Table (IVT)
    • Hardware: how
    • OS: what

Switching Threads

  • CPU perform the steps
  • The OS is trusted to do correctly
  • Create a new thread:
    • Allocate TCB
    • Allocate Stack
    • Init TCB
    • Add TCB to a ready queue

Implement Lock and Unlock

  • Atomicity on uniprocessor
    • Unsafe to run user code with interrupts disabled
    • Thread must leave interrupts disabled when calling switch
  • Switch invariant
    • All threads promise to have interrupts disabled when calling switch
    • All threads can assume that interrupts are “still” disabled when switch returns

Dead Lock

  • Four conditions
    • Limited resources
    • Hold and Wait
    • No Preemption
    • Circular Wait

Address Space


  • Speed, Size, Flexibility
  • Two mechanisms
    • Base and Limit
    • Segmentation

Beijie Liu

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